Opossums (or Possums) frequently take up residence in the attic of a home, as do most other rodents. You are most likely to find opossums in your home during springtime when a mother opossum gives birth; usually in May or June. Although most opossums are nomadic (travel, and don’t usually settle into a permanent home), females with young offspring (joeys) seem to establish a home range and a den site.

While possums generally eat fruits, grains, small rodents, insects, frogs and plants, they have a strange liking to cat food. When food is scarce, they may venture outside of their normal eating habits. This is when small creatures you own as pets might be on the menu for the opossum, going so far as to eat small kittens.

Possums share some similar safety and health concerns as rats and squirrels (see tabs for more informative and descriptive information);

  • Urine and feces in your home, creating the possibilities of disease and a revolting odor
  • Gnawed on or chewed up wood

While opossums are generally non-violent, if you attempt to grab a wild opossum, it could bite or scratch you. Usually, if an opossum feels threatened, it will hiss, growl or do what they are known for; play dead. Also, they have an unusually high resistance to rabies, so that is not much of a worry. If you happen to spot an aggressive opossum, this is uncommon trait which raises suspicion and you should treat it as though it is a potential carrier. Opossums are generally passive creatures and should never be killed in an attempt to remove them from your property. We can peacefully and humanely remove them for you, call us today!